the most important things...

I wish I had known these when I was 20, even 30...
I learned the most important things from my divorce.

I can see more clearly.
The world is not black and white.
I'm not talking gray scale but lots of color, big, bold vibrant color.
Color is what makes the world go round.
It defines us. Speaks to us. It encourages us. Inspires us.
Look around at everything and appreciate all that there is - the color and beauty in the small and simple as well as the large and stately.

Paths change. Roads turn and twist.
There are rivers to be crossed and mountains and valleys climb. No matter how high those mountains seem they can be climbed. One step at a time. Don't look at the top. Look at the color and beauty all around you as you work your way to the top. And wear comfortable shoes. And be ready to run, or duck... whatever the case may be.

We can handle all that we are given. As with the mountain and getting to the peak, we must learn to approach each day and each event with small and meticulous steps. Slow down and take a break if you need to. Sometimes a nap is the answer. Sometimes leaning on a friend is the answer.

Keep your friends close.
Never be afraid to ask for help.
Needing help is never a sign of weakness.
(Gosh, I really wish I had known that at 20 or 30!)
Don't be afraid to ask for anything. If you don't ask you'll never know.
Don't be afraid to try even if it seems scary, daunting, unfamiliar.
You will have so much more to lose by not trying.

Take a chance. Now. Today.
Try something new.
Step out of your comfort zone.
If you can't force yourself to ask a friend to help. You will be so happy you did.
The best things happen when we take a chance.

Don't be afraid to take that leap of faith. Close your eyes and just do it.
Let yourself free-fall. You'll be Ok. You'll land on your feet.
I promise.
The free-fall will be scary. Just as the unknown is scary. But allow yourself to enjoy the ride.
Close your eyes and enjoy the ride... let the wind or the river carry you away.

Stop trying so hard... work hard and let go...

You don't always have to be in control.
Sometimes the best things happen when you just let the journey take you where you're meant to be.
I need to remind myself of these... I need to remind myself of these often.

Slow down.


I still have a hard time asking for help.
I still sweat the small stuff.
I still let fear prevent me from reaching my own goals.
But I'm working on these.
I'm not afraid to take chances, however, as some of the best things have happened when I have.

So this year my goals include taking more chances, overcoming my own fears, not sweating the small stuff and stop trying to push so hard and just see what happens when I let the river take me to where I am supposed to be. I think I can do this. I think I can... I think I can...

I set goals; I don't make resolutions. Resolutions are too easily broken. I've set goals for many years now. Some have been realized and some haven't. I don't berate myself when a goal hasn't been met. We are not perfect and we can always try again next year. Goals are dreams that are set into motion, aren't they? I'm all about setting my dreams into motion... I have a couple of big ones this year and I am determined to see one or two of them come to fruition. Because I truly believe that anything is possible if you put your mind to it!

What dreams are you going to chase this year?



  1. You are an amazing writer. I hope you have the best year of your life yet, in 2014.
    Merry Christmas.
    -Linda, NY

  2. so great! I just printed this and gave it to my daughter. Thank you.


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