If you stumble make it part of the dance...

I believe in taking chances. I believe in stepping out of my comfort zone. I believe in trying new things, visiting new places and meeting new people. I believe that in order to get the most out of life, life has to be lived. As much as I need the creature comforts of my own home, I need to get out and see, taste, explore, and live.... I want to do and see and taste and touch and feel all that there is to do and see and taste and touch and feel before my days are over. I want to look back on my years and know that I've lived a rich and full and rewarding life. 

In order to make that possible I will jump at the chance to do almost anything. I will try anything once. I force myself to do things that make me slightly uncomfortable, like going to a party or an event where I don't know anyone.  In the end, I am always happy that I took the chance. I'd never consider myself a risk-taker, but I do consider myself a chance-taker. I know that I will never regret trying something new, but I will regret never having tried it at all. 

Only with my children do I play it safe. They need stability and security and a good foundation beneath them. I do encourage them, however, to try new things and seek new adventures and make mistakes. These are all important steps to learning and understanding who they are, what they like and where they want to be. But I encourage them to fall... and when they do, I tell them to make it part of the dance. I can't expect them to go through life without making mistakes, stumbling and getting hurt. I feel it's important for them to start experiencing some of these small disappointments as children so that when they get older they'll have some idea of what to do, feel and expect.

But I know that each stumble hurts - even the smallest ones. And they don't necessarily get easier or less painful when you get older. And you don't always anticipate your falls and some stumbles are greater than others and sometimes it's easier to dance than others... but we have to force ourselves to. What's the alternative? I'm not going to wallow in sadness and weep over what could have been but wasn't. Instead, even with sadness, I'm grateful and happy that I had what I had - even if it was but for a short period of time. The chances taken... the amazing experiences... the incredible memories... they're all gifts to be cherished. I know that... I do. But frankly I'm done with stumbling...I'm tired of dancing as a means of covering up my stumbles. I am ready to dance as a means of celebration! 



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