Say yes!

I so agree with this!
Why say no and limit yourself?
Why say no and not take that chance?
Why say no, what have you got to lose?
Why say no and never find out?
If you say no you're killing a dream... Why would you ever do that?
If you say no you'll never know...
If you say no you could miss out on a great opportunity... that one chance...

I know - I USED to say no... a lot
I used to be afraid to take that chance
I used to be afraid to step out of my comfort zone...

But as soon as I started to say YES everything all fell into place
I tried things I had never done before
I saw things I had never seen before
I felt things that I had never felt before

And when I was unsure and still said yes, it all worked itself out... it really did and it always does.

I cannot afford to send my daughter to Harvard, Yale or Princeton... Brown, Boston College, etc... Will I tell her not to apply? Never... Go for it, I tell her... and we'll figure it out afterwards!

Here's to dreaming and living and loving and trying new things and seeing new things and taking chances and happiness... Here's to saying YES!




  1. I so agree say yes be positive and good things will happern


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