Follow that dream!

I'm following mine!

5 years ago I started my blog, The Entertaining House, on a whim - It was born of a need to fill a void a need to fill a creative gap. Home with three children, 2, 6 and 8, I needed to do something for myself. I needed to do something to shift my focus away from my children, for a while, and onto myself. It began as a small, little blog that I shared with friends and family. Mostly I told funny stories about my children. The blog started to grow and take on a life of it's own. It's morphed a few times as I found my own style, niche and voice. As my children started to grow older I needed to take the focus off of them and then I found myself headed to the long and bumpy journey of divorce and, once ready to talk openly about myself, my story and share my journey, this blog was born. But I never lost focus on the other. I guess, somehow, I knew that it would, eventually lead me to bigger and better things. 

My blog was more than just a passion. It was an absolute necessity. The more I wrote and crafted the better I got. I knew I was writing to an audience and I did this on purpose. It's the best way to make sure you expose your best work. And being honest - well, that's just who I am. I cannot pretend my life is all hunky dory and fabulous when it's not. And so many bloggers lead this false illusion of a life. I was determined, no matter how hard it was, to be honest. To be myself.

When the traffic over at The Entertaining House started to soar, was also when I knew I had hit my stride. I wasn't a mommy blog - Though who can resist sharing an occasional funny parenting story?! And I certainly wasn't a shopping blog. What I became, was a lifestyle blog, sharing all the things I am passionate about whether it be about food, fashion or decor. And suddenly my inbox became flooded with requests from various PR firms wanting me to write and promote their blah blah blah. In most cases, I said NO! While I wanted traffic and a high readership I was not going to promote something I don't like, don't believe in, and doesn't represent me or my audience. 

I started getting my first big breaks - approached by Tiffany & Co., Lenox, Colin Cowie, etc... No one was willing to pay but they were happy to offer free product. As a newbie, wanting and needing the exposure, I was happy to accept. Then the wine companies started to approach me for reviews. (Like I could ever say no to those requests?!) On principle, I will never give a negative review. Perhaps there's something I don't adore about a product, but I like the product overall, then I give it an honest and positive write-up. Last summer I was approached by the people at Philips-Saeco asking if I would review one of their cappuccino machines. By reviewing a machine I would need to receive one, right? Imagine my excitement when I found a huge box in the driveway with the company name on it! (The machine had a $900 price tag! - and I had to declare it as a taxable gift.)

Eventually, people would approach me, after finding The Entertaining House, and ask me to write for them. And they were more than happy to pay me! I now write for 4 different publications. I contribute to one monthly and for the rest I contribute weekly. For now, as a SAHM with three kids off for summer, it's all I can handle. But I promise you I will be taking on more come fall! 

Over the past 5 years I got a lot (and I mean A LOT) of slack about the time I spent on my blog. I needed a real job he told me. I was wasting my time, he told me. But I had a vision for it and I knew, almost from the get-go, what the vision was. Despite the negative comments I persevered. I followed my dreams. I followed my passions. I followed my heart. I am glad I didn't listen to him. I am glad that I didn't give up or throw in the towel.

I am glad that I have always been open and honest and never once wavered from that here, at Amid Life. I have had a lot of naysayers here... I've caught a tremendous amount of flack from those who do not agree with me or my choices... from those who are not living my life or walking in my shoes. I kept writing, sharing my stories as graciously as possible, remaining true to myself... remaining honest. I will continue this path as well. I will continue to share my journey - the bumps, the valleys and all that is found in between. I know that I am not alone out there and I wish that I had started this sooner - I wish that I had had a resource as this as I was living my darkest days. In addition to wanting to be as open and honest to you all, I aspire to give you hope and promise. Hope and promise are everything, really. 

My life is still not perfect. I have struggles daily BUT my life is so much better than it had been. And my life is SO much better than it would have been had I not gotten the courage to take this path. Every day the sun does shine. Some days the rain does fall... and some days the most beautiful rainbow presents itself to me.

I'm still struggling, I am still learning, and I am still following that dream.

I am sharing this with you because several people have approached me over the past couple of weeks about wanting to start a blog. Of course my answer was YES, Do it! But my answer was also this:

Blog about what you are passionate about
Be honest, be open
Be kind
Be real
Be engaging
Be consistent...
Be yourself!

It's Wednesday and the week is not over and therefore it is not too late to follow that dream!




  1. Amid Life Blog is a FAV of mine because it is real life. Often the honesty you share tugs at my heart. Other times I cheer at your success. Keep the faith!

  2. I think you're amazing! It's been fun so far, watching your blog(s) blossom like this, and seeing your writing pop up in other places. Can't wait to see what other wonderful things the future holds for you!

  3. so you will not give a negative review of a product, but you give very negative reviews of real live PEOPLE fairly often....i.e. the father of your children! It is just so wrong and you should zip it....lots of people get divorced, but don't bash their ex on the internet. Too bad your ex does not have a blog so we could read his side of the story!!!

  4. Betty and Wilma, thank you.
    Farm Girl - there is so much you do not know. There is SO much here I do not, will not AND CANNOT say. Truly private matters have remained just that, private. I shared with my readers experiences because I knew that there were others experiencing the VERY SAME things. Mothers are often left to pick up the pieces and clean up the messes. I will not tell you all that I had been through or had to endure over a 2+ year period. It is none of your business. BUT When I chose to speak my mind I was going to be honest - and tell the story as it was... unfair or not. Divorce sucks especially when you're in the throes of it. I acted w grace and dignity but was not treated in such a manner and neither were the children. The courts, lawyers and therapists know the true stories. I do not feel as though I have to explain anything to you or justify my words or my choice of words or my reactions. If you read back, you will see that I was basically fighting to stay afloat... to have a fighting chance... I make no apologies. A mother's love for her children is fierce. Her desire to protect them is fierce.

    If you don't like what I have to write you needn't stop by. There are many people who do and the feed back I've received from this site, from my words has been overwhelmingly supportive and encouraging.

    Divorce, unfortunately, can get ugly and messy and some people become mean and mistreat others.

    So before you accuse me of bashing, you ought to know the entire story of what happened. And that, you never will.

    Now please go find some other blog to read.

  5. I read this blog for have gone from bragging about your wardrobe, car, private school etc etc etc posting pics of other people's houses mostly (anyone can do that) , UES blah blah, bashing other people's children for their table manners to the poor me panic attack divorcee. OH the list goes on. You are the poster child of what not to put on the internet. You want me to stop coming here? What is the point then? I guess you cannot take a negative comment. I just feel that you have no integrity---if you did you would not post what you do. Why don't you post under a false name? Protect those children and the ex (he is entitled to his privacy). You would do this if you had good character. You clearly do not see how you come across...I am sure I am not the only one to point this out to you.

  6. Dear Farm girl...
    I have never ever ever bragged. Ever. I have talked about my past which has included private school, etc. I had a privileged upbringing and I have had a very fortunate youth. I make no apologies for my upbringing and I never will. I was, for all intents and purposes, crucified for it in my marriage. But I am proud of my heritage and all the remarkable people in my family. And all that which you talk about has never been discussed on this particular blog however and as far as the other blog I have talked about poor table manners etc... I will also be doing several etiquette posts. I have been asked to. Much of what I write about comes to me in the form of suggestion from readers.

    The divorce was NEVER woe is me. I had to get out of my marriage. I am glad that I did.

    I can take negative comments and I have here many times. All I say is that UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN IN MY SHOES and know what's happened behind closed doors you are NOT ENTITLED to tell me what I can and cannot say.

    I am not hiding behind a false name. I am not hiding from anyone.
    My children are protected.
    My lawyer has been informed of each and every post when it was necessary.
    I have damned good character.
    And those who know me commend me for my bravery, honesty and strength.
    If you want entertainment read the other blog. This one is not for entertainment purposes.

    1. I also wanted to add, Farm Girl, that whenever something bothered/bothers me that I blog about here, my ex was always aware of what was bothering me. In the beginning we had a very hard time seeing eye to eye,but over the past year we have both learned and grown... He has seen and acknowledged his mistakes and we are trying as best as we can to work well together. We still don't always see eye to to but the strides we've made are huge. His sister and I remain very close and she is often a great supporter - She too has been through a divorce and has been through alot that I have. I also get along with my mother in law.

    2. like I said .... I come here for the entertainment of "what to not put on the internet".


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