Make new friends, keep the old - One is silver the other, gold!

Be Grateful For All The Obstacles In Your Life

I've been meaning to write. It's so hard lately to sit and compose and just get lost in my thoughts and organize them and put them in to words. It's been a strange couple of weeks. Thanksgiving was lonely. The children were with their dad for a couple of days. I'm not sure when I will get used to that. We've always rotated Thanksgiving and so I will have them with my family next year. I'd been sort of dreading the day for a whole week leading up to the day. I had pushed it out of my head. I had been in denial that the day was actually coming. And then I had to get the kids up, dressed and ready... ready to leave me. I love being alone. I truly love it and I am so rarely lonely but on that day I was. I just wanted it over.

It's funny in so many ways divorce is like death. You go through the same feelings and emotions. Whether by choice or not it is always a sad thing. It marks the end of an era and the end of a dream. And with both we must move on. We must pick ourselves up and move on. We will grow stronger and better. I don't ever look back on anything I have done as a mistake. I believe everything has been a lesson... I don't believe in mistakes. I do believe in lessons. Our decisions are a part of us, our past and our journey.

This time last year I was surrounded by people and friends. Well wishing and well meaning, checking up on me and making sure that I was OK, that I had what I needed, what I wanted. And due to my schedules and the children's school schedules this seems not to happen. As if out of sight is out of mind. It's a strange thing. I've always had a group of close friends around me. They were comfort and safety. I no longer have this. I am not entirely sure why this is. Perhaps we are all just too busy and too wrapped up in our busy lives. It's a selfish reason, really, isn't it? But it's a strange thing not to have. Truthfully, I find it unsettling. I have always prided myself in my friends - never taking them for granted but realizing that each is indeed a gift... the new and the old much like a song my daughter sang when she was a Brownie.

Make new friends
Keep the old.
One is silver,
And the other, gold.

I've always wondered how hard it was to pick up the phone, even send an email and ask someone how their day was... I've reached out to a couple of frriends over the past couple of years but after not hearing back I have chosen not to continue the friendships. I don't want fairweathered friends ... those who want to be around me when times are good but who run when times aren't. That said, now that I've entered a new phase in my life, I do wonder why some have seemingly disappeared. I question the word and the value of true friendship. I know who my true friends are, near and far, but I can't help but wonder what happened to some of the others...

Now to Alexander and his school. He's still there. He's not loving it but seems to be tolerating it at the moment. I'm still up in the air as to what to do. There are a couple of other options but I don't love them. One option has class sizes as large as his and the other option would only help us out for two more years. And then what, go through this again? I can't do that to him either...

I've always thought that a school's parent body is pretty telling of a school's personality. For three months I have gone to the same spot to wait for my child at the end of the day. For three months the same mothers, now nameless, familiar faces, have seen me walk over to the pick up area. And not once in the entire three months has one person ever attempted to talk to me or say hi to me... I've truly never experienced such unfriendliness before...

So I want to ask you all to do this. If you know someone who has been through a significant and life-changing event in their life, remember them not only when the moment is tough, but remember them afterwards too, because sometimes that's when they really need to know you're there. If you see a new face at school or at the office, and if they smile to you, say hello... it's so simple but so significant.

Thank you!




  1. Such a great honest post! People, fair weather friends, all skiddaddle post haste from sickness, death and divorce. My Mom suffered the same thing you are dealing with now. Dad got 'custody of all the friends' somehow. She was devastated by that almost more than when he ran off with his mistress. I have also found what I call "Calculated Connecticut Coldness" to be an epidemic around here--> women being closed off, quick to judge, dismissive. They get their kicks out of excluding rather than including. You wouldn't like them anyway : )
    Those women at the bus stop are scared of you. You are pretty, you are new and you are a threat. It is their loss. Doesn't make it easier each day, but it does make sense.
    I forget which town you live in but living in the burbs of Fairfield as a beautiful single woman is not the easiest place to make new friends. Especially girlfriends, but I bet through twitter you can find some like minded, open minded women.
    My Mom moved and created a whole new life for herself and was very happy. With your young children it is harder to do that, but I know everything will work out for you. Things are hardest just before they get easy.

  2. I look for the amid life blog for encouragement and honesty. Today, the honesty is hard to hear. Going through a divorce after 4 decades of marriage has been painful and my family and friends have been my saving grace. Sadly, all but two of my friends are divorced and on their own so they have been the pilings supporting my shaky structure that is bearing the storm. I hope they stay. You, Jess, have been amazing as well. Your words have helped immensely. It is not the same as sitting down to coffee (which we could arrange sometime) but I am always here if you just need to talk. I feel that I could do that with you as well.

  3. Jess - Amid Life often deals with issues most women keep buried! Often I am touched and sometimes sadden. Today....words of wisdom. Say Hi to everyone. People are guarded and sometimes shy, like my daughter. Just say Hi

  4. Thank you both - Jo your words have brought tears to my eyes... XOXO

  5. Thanks Betty -

    I think that while I talk about my journey through divorce and beyond, there are many lessons and stories for everyone in all phases of life. Life is so surprising and so unexpected. As women I think we are often unprepared for the unknown, unfamiliar and unexpected...

  6. I encounter the same thing...and often I find people are shy and wont make the first move. If I say HI they usually warm up and start including me in their conversations. It's always good to be above them anyway...I say good morning to the b*tchy moms too.

  7. Jess, I would love a post for how married friends could best help their newly divorced friends. Because of your post I've been thinking and thinking of my own behavior in this new reality of my life and realizing that I'm truly just unaware of how my actions are perceived. Sadly, divorcing friends and family has been the new stage of my life. I fully admit that I'm not sure how to be fully supportive while also assuring my own spouse and family that this would never happen to us. I'll be honest that I am intimidated by the amounts of free time these women seem to have in their lives, this is just not the reality for me. I am scared to open up a new form of friendship for fear that they will expect something that I just couldn't commit to. Saying yes to dinner with them means saying no to dinner with my family and I'm honestly torn between the two. But this post was so heartfelt that it is something that I must consider just a little bit more. Really, I would appreciate your thoughts on this. I value your opinion very much. Hope you are doing well!

  8. Hi Jess - I really understand what you are going through, but actually from the opposite prospective. Before I remarried, after my divorce, I had moved from Connecticut back to Rhode Island and had quite a nice circle of friends for about 10 years. Many of them came to my wedding and than bam, some were gone. I don't know if they felt that because I was married, I would no longer have time for them?. It was hurtful, and I felt really sad. When I had my sons, a few more left. Was it because the boys were autistic? Again, I have no clue. I have 2 real friends, here through thick and thin from way way back. In the past 15 years, I have made some more friends, another couple that I would consider really 'true' friends. It will happen, you will have new wonderful people come into your life. The 'old' friends that disappear? It truly is their loss...

  9. Jess, while I have yet to gain enough courage to be the person to always be open and welcoming to new people (maybe because I still feel like the new person) I am forever grateful to the one person who did this the first day of kindergarten at my son's new school. She made the transition for my son, and for me, so much richer. I will try harder next time. I am sorry you are going through this. Having had to move so many times, and move my son so many times, I know how it is to be on the outside. It isn't fun. I know you will find your place soon.

  10. Lorraine - I will address this in a post for sure! Truthfully there should be enough time to spend with friends as well as with family. As I see my friends in strong marriages, that is exactly what they do. They have supportive husbands who allow them to follow their pursuits, careers, friendships, etc... It can be done. As with everything it truly takes a bit of effort and planning.

    Judi - I have friends who married young and the same thing happened to them too. I think it's pretty common, actually.

    Gwen, It's hard, especially for those of you who are shier to reach out... but do, because in the end your small effort will be so gratefully appreciated. And I'll bet you'll feel pretty good about yourself as well!

    Thank you all for your comments!

  11. It's a sad commentary on our culture that so many love to watch, even encourage, the train wreck of divorce. Unfortunately they rarely stay around to help pick up the pieces. So many of us that have ridden this track understand.


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