Raw. Exposed.

I've been meaning to write. I start and stop. Start and stop. And then I take a long pause, review what I've written and hit the delete button which is not nearly as dramatic or visually and orally as exciting as crumpling up that piece of yellow lined paper (my preference over white lined paper - a sort of addiction of mine to tell you the truth!) and watching it fly across the room and going in, or hitting the rim, or not even coming close to  the wastebasket. There was something visually appealing, yet distressing, about seeing that waste bin overflowing with yellow lined crumpled up balls. And while you may have spent hour upon hour writing and crumpling, there was something tangible to prove that you had at least been trying. The delete button is dangerous. It gives the illusion that you've been sitting on  your derriere for hours accomplishing nothing more strenuous than a daydream. I write on my laptop because it is easy but it is not my preferred method. You see, I am lazy. To write by hand and then to retype everything on to a laptop uses extra time and energy. Lazy people do not like this. But I wrote my review of Anne Morrow Lindbergh's Gift from The Sea for The Daily Basics (link in below post) on a small lined notebook with a felt tipped pen from the playground of all places. And I dare say it may be one of my best pieces of writing to date. But I'm rambling and getting off topic as I am apt to do.

So the point of this whole blog is to be as open and honest with you all as possible. While I'm an open book and will tell everyone the most intimate details of my life, I'm really not so apt to do this on a public platform and talk with strangers about my life... not all of you are strangers. Many of you have contacted me personally, know me or have left comments over the years on my other blog. But I never know who's reading this and what opinions they are forming of me in their mind. And that shouldn't matter. It shouldn't matter in the least. For if you don't know me you have no idea what it's like to walk in my shoes. You can make assumptions based on the information I've chosen to share, but that's like to solve a math equation with a missing or wrong number. So, I vow to make this blog more personal, more intimate. So many of you are traveling similar paths, my point is to share with you my experiences - the good as well as the bad.

I've always thought of myself as a lucky person. I've always gotten what I have wanted out of life through work, determination and sometimes sheer luck. I've never experienced anything traumatic and I do believe that things happen for a reason... I also believe that everything has a way of working out... I do believe that the best is yet to come. These past couple of years have been tough to say the least. I've been challenged, put to the test and experienced every set of emotions from high to low, many times over. My choice to be positive has kept me afloat. My choice to handle my situation with grace and dignity (for the most part) has kept me grounded and focused. In many ways we can control  our destinies, and yet, as I am learning, sometimes this is completely out of our hands, and we must trust, we must have the faith. We must keep our chins up and march forward - with determination and a smile on our face whenever possible.

I think, last week, I hit rock bottom. Actually, I think the bottom fell out. So I'm thinking, as I've thought so many times before, that there's no way to go but back up. And it's where I'm headed... I'll keep shooting for the stars. It's just the way I am.

In one week I've had my heart broken and learned that I am in financial ruins. Yes, I'm dating and will share those stories (the good, the bad, and the hilarious, another time.) Ok, well, not so much broken but terribly bruised and deflated. Or was that my ego? I think it was a little bit of both. I trusted in the words that were being spoken to me... I trusted that I mattered and that someone cared for me... The words made me smile. The words made my heart sing... they made my ego and my heart swell ... and then it seemed, almost overnight, that my ego and heart had been trampled upon. It really made no sense to me at all. All I know is that I was hurt. I was crushed and all the good I felt about myself had been forgotten. Why is it that when something does not work out to our liking that we automatically find fault in ourselves, that our every imperfection stands out, magnified? All our feelings of inadequacy come to the surface. Being dumped hurts, no matter how much or how little you care for the person.

I'm trying to secure health insurance for myself. I can activate COBRA but would prefer not to. It's expensive, for one, and then I'd have to through this whole, ridiculous nonsense again when that temporary policy ends. I've been denied insurance from Cigna based on shoulder surgery, and complications from it, over two years ago. And, based on the interview I had with Aetna, I'm pretty sure I'll be denied again. To all of you who have asked if this is legal, yes it is. Unless you live in Massachusetts, apparently, but I don't live there. And then my mother called me yesterday. "I know you don't like Obama," she said. (My mom can lean towards the democratic side of things... My father and I lean the other way...) I was about to close my eyes and sing lalalalalalalalalala while she spoke, but somehow I heard her words. "He's going to make this whole pre-existing condition thing illegal," she continued."He's going to make it a law that insurance companies won't be able to turn you away for a pre-existing condition." Tempting as it seems, I'm not buying it. He's been in office for long enough already and he should have done something about this already while the country's going to pot... This  is not meant to be a political blog, so I am going to shut up right here. I'll try for Blue Cross/Blue Shield next... Never give up. Never let them see you sweat... Argh...

Financial issues are bad right now. And by bad I mean very bad. Very, very, very very bad. I applied for not one but three different credit cards. I have no credit card. I have nothing in case of emergency. If something happens it could be very bad. It could be very, very bad. I was trying to get a personal card as well as one for my business. I know my credit is not in great standing. I've known this since my ex husband decided, abruptly, to stop paying for my car nearly causing it to be repo'd... How crazy and strange this all seems. How crazy that just a few years ago I owned an expensive home and had a sizable savings. And now it's gone. All of it. Everything. Down to the last drop. A combination of the market crash, a tanking real estate market, divorce and other issues have caused this. It's a very scary place to be. It's a very scary place to be and to have to be responsible for three young children...

I'm literally on the brink of nothing... the wind could blow the wrong way... or too hard... And then the wind did blow... I got a call from an unknown number in New Jersey on my cell phone and I almost let the message to into my voice mail but decided to answer it nonetheless... The voice on the other end asked for my ex husband. I replied saying that the number that was dialed was a cell number and that the person he was trying to reach was never reachable at this number. I introduced myself. And then the voice on the other end introduced himself. He was with Suchandsuch Bank. Our mortgage company. Crap. My heart sank. I wanted to throw up. I knew what was going on... This had actually been planned and while that was the case, I didn't have to like it. Our home is worth a lot less than we paid for. A lot less. And we'll sell it at a loss. We mortgaged wisely, putting down the necessary down-payment, but that doesn't matter. What happened to the economy is out of our hands. And now we have this massive problem sitting on our hands. The only way to sell the home at this point is to short sell. The only way the bank will agree to offset the costs is to default in payment. The only way to try to avoid a foreclosure, which neither bank or homeowner want is to have a short sale. And the only way to do this is default on the mortgage. This is all being done under the close scrutiny of lawyers, but it is scary none the less.

I'm angry to tell you the truth. I'm angry because I truly think this could be avoided. When we put our home on the market a year ago I wanted to go with a Realtor who had a very fair and competitive price. The house would have moved. This fiasco would have been averted. But no, he never took my advice. My opinion never mattered. We went with the Realtor who gave us the highest dollar amount. It was significant. It was perhaps the greatest mistake made. Shortly thereafter she admitted to having the house listed too high. Shortly thereafter she was scrambling to correct her mistakes before taking off here and there for the rest of the summer... completely unreachable. I was furious then. I still am. I wanted to fire her. She and my ex set the path to disaster.

And here I am. And this is me and this is me being honest.
So my life is not just about the kind finds and Lily Pulitzer and my little home by the sea... So my life is not just about getting through and overcoming divorce and getting back on my feet professionally and emotionally, but trying to put all the financial pieces back together as well.

So what I have is nothing right now. 
But I truly believe I have so very much.
As pointed out to me by a good friend last night I have a wonderfully supportive family. I have friends who love and care about me... I really have so very, very much.

I will NOT feel sorry for myself.
I will continue to plug along.
I have my priorities set. My children come first. They will be fed and cared for. Their needs will be, and have been, placed before mine. We will get by. We always do. I can't let a little blip stop me in my tracks or slow me down. My children need me, emotionally and physically. I will not disappoint! 

Wishing you all a wonderful week and hoping that I can inspire you to move on when you think that you can't! 



I have a call into a lawyer who specializes (and is supposed to be the best) in restoring credit. I believe this is where I need to start. How will I pay? I will have to borrow from family, but it's too important not to.

And so here I am. Raw. Exposed. Feeling as though I'm standing in front of you all without a sheet or towel to cover myself with... Honest, real. This is me.


  1. Yikes! I don't know if I would even know what to do and I don't have to worry about health insurance!

    As for Obama...I think everyone outside of the US can see that he doesn't have the power to just say 'Ok, this is what we are doing today!'. I'm sure he would love to have health care for every American (a pretty basic human right) but if he gets nothing but resistance and walls along the way, it will be impossible. You need more dems in the house to make it happen.

  2. Again, a beautifully written piece. I can feel your frustration with every key stroke. I wish had had some nugget of genius that could make all of this go away for you. But I will only say that you are certainly doing the right thing by keeping your head high and focusing on that glimmer of a sliver lining.
    Your kids are learning more from you now of how to handle tough times which will carry them much further in life than any amount of money ever could.
    Keep you chin up....I'm rooting for you!

  3. Your frustration at the issues at hand comes through clearly. I just wish there was something I could do to make it better, but such is life.

    The problem with our healthcare is that we have the only for profit system in the world. Obama did what he could on a suitable timetable, sadly, we could see it all wiped out and pre-existing conditions will never be illegal. As long as it is about the profits and greed it will never be about the people.

  4. Jess..love you and know you will prevail! Ps....don" t know your mom but think I like her

  5. My friend ... your post was raw and I hope you felt a sense of relief after clicking it all out. We only know each other via this world of BlogLand ... but you have and continue to show grace and elegance as you make your way through the unknown that has become your life. The wonderful thing is that change is constant in our lives and YES this will all be behind you in time and like the Caterpillar that goes through enormous change before it emerges a beautiful butterfly full of hope and new beginnings you too will enter the best part of your life! Though circumstances that have brought us to place we are in are different the journey of transition is the same; Remember YOU ARE STRONG! YOU ARE A SURVIVOR! THE BEST IS YET TO COME!! xo Hugs to you ..C. (HHL)

  6. I too can feel your frustration in your words. I think sometimes it helps to expose yourself like that just to get it out there even though it feels painful to think about it. I hope just airing it out from your own mind will give you a little peace. You are a strong woman and a great mom and you will come out of this! "If HE brings you to it, He will bring you through it" -- a quote that I LOVE and I remind myself of often. We all have our own hardships eventhough they may be different and we're all pulling for you!!!! You can do this!!!! Praying for you and your family!

  7. I am praying for you and your children. I understand too well how terribly painful all of these adjustments are.

  8. Big hugs to you, Jess. I disagree with you on the political stuff, but no need to get into that here. I'm not an expert in the health insurance by any means, but if you activate your COBRA policy, won't that mean that you won't have had a lapse in coverage and therefore you can't be denied a new insurance policy because of a pre-existing condition?

  9. thank you all so very much!
    Jacquie - I have up to 90 post divorce to activate the COBRA. Problem is if I activate it and there is something medically wrong w me, then I am facing the same issues when COBRA expires. At the moment I have no health issues, but I am being denied based on a past surgery. God forbid, then, moving forward, there is something wrong w me on COBRA...

  10. One of the frustrations I have with the "blog world" is that so many seem to be about shopping, and keeping up with what everyone else is buying. There seems to be a large segment of women in this country who HAVE NO IDEA what many families are dealing with on a daily basis. Everyone seems to think it happens to "someone else" without realizing that in these days, "someone else" could be us. I've often thought if there was some way to organize all these bloggers to get the word out about real issues (between the shopping posts), women could demand and make some real changes in this country.

    The insurance issue is a real problem. The insurance companies in states which don't allow "pre-existing conditions" have insurance rates which are unaffordable. For instance, my daughter compared policies in our home state and the northeast state where she is living now. Our state's insurance companies can turn people down for "p-e conditions" - the other can't. The cost difference for basically the same policy from the same company is staggering. $148 a month here - $989 a month there.

    But that's my soapbox and I'll get off my tangent now. I am sorry about your situation; there are many people in the same boat but that doesn't make it easier. Sincerely hope you'll find a solution soon....

    In the meantime - and this comes from some life experience. If you're going to date, get serious about it. Date old, wealthy men who have no children. :)


  11. *Sara* You TOTALLY made me laugh!!!
    Thank you for your kind words!

  12. Generally a lurker. I really like the open/honest Jessica. I love the pretty, happy, shopping Jessica too, but we are multifaceted people. Your sharing of the good and bad, just makes you more intersting. You will get through this. I have no doubt.

    P.S. Agree with your politics too.

  13. I am sorry you've had to go through all this. Surely if there is justice in this world...I shall not go there.
    Wasn't sure if you know about the pre-existing conditions clause in the Healthcare law that President Obama passed. Here's a link: http://www.healthcare.gov/law/features/choices/pre-existing-condition-insurance-plan/index.html
    A lot of misinformation is out there about what the law does and does not do, and while it makes sense to rail about the "cost to our children and grandchildren", with all due respect, the solution that "the other side" proposed, i.e. tort reform, would do absolutely nothing to help anyone with pre-existing conditions. As a lawyer, I read through the whole bill (yes!), and what it does is stand solidly behind you and people like you in similar, if not worse, situations. There's a number on the site that you can call. All the best to you.

  14. Oh, yeah, i forgot to add "old, wealthy man with no children AND a pre-existing condition". :)


  15. Lilian and Anonymous... thank you!
    LOL to the last comment and....... drum roll....

    Aetna just accepted me! My rates are higher than originally quoted but not horrific. I'm going w it and I'll be covered until I am old enough for Medicare! WHOOOO HOOO!!!

  16. Ditto what anonymous said!! Please know you have people who don't even know you rooting for you :0>

  17. Being financially independent is scary. I have always been on my own, never having been married. And even so, it is still scary. So I do feel for you in your new situation because it is such a BIG transition. In some ways, I think it is probably more difficult to go from having things taken care of for you to doing it all. I have never known any differently.

    I will admit to being envious of the security (financially and personally) that having a spouse can bring. But I do remember reading somewhere that 80% of women will be in charge of their finances at some point in their lives, either due to divorce or death of a spouse. So I guess all the girls I know who get to be "clueless" about all things financial will have to deal things sooner or later.

    And the insurance? Scary. I remember years ago being on Cobra for a few months between leaving a job and starting grad school and it was very expensive.

    Hang in there (well, really, do you have any other choice? :)


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