the power of friends...


Sorry, I haven't posted in a while... I have a slew of things to write about but sometimes life stops us in our tracks. It could be a person or an event or a culmination of everything... Sometimes, no matter how we try, no matter how much we want to, we simply cannot force those smiles - even though we advocate the power of positive thinking... even though we're seemingly the poster child of happiness and looking at the bright side, sometimes we get down in the dumps too. Sometimes no matter how hard we try to shake it and no matter how hard others try to shake us out of it, we're just stuck there in that funk. Sometimes the tears will come whether we want them to or not. Sometimes we need to let them.

My funks don't happen very often and are usually caused by someone being selfishly hurtful. Usually I can stand up tall and let things roll off my back. I can close my eyes and ignore the meanness... I can pretend not to hear. But I am human and I have feelings and I am very sensitive - especially when it comes to my children, their health and well-being. As a mother I sacrifice for my children. (As most mothers do.) I go out of my way to do so. (As most mothers do.) And so it irks me when I see those who don't. And it irks me more so when a parent doesn't put the needs of their children ahead of his or her own... and behaves selfishly to spite another parent. I won't get into details here and I will keep my personal life personal... and it's a stupid, small thing that should have been a non-issue, but that stupid small non-issue was the straw that broke this camel's back.

I need help and I want help and I get such mixed messages about this. On one hand I am told by my ex that I cannot seem to do anything on my own and am made to feel guilty if I ask for anything... even the smallest of favors. And yet by everyone else I am told to please ask for help, am told that I am trying to take on too much... and that I absolutely must ask for help. And because of these mixed messages I am afraid to. I am made by one person to feel week and unable and from others I am scolded for trying to take on too much.

What's the right answer? Is there a right answer? How could I have let myself get into such a situation where I have become afraid to ask for help, to ask for anything? I know, I am asking the wrong person. I should have stopped asking long ago, but when most of what I am asking for directly affects my children, I feel I should speak up. On behalf of my children and their comforts and needs and well-being.

So it's been a lousy week. I want what's mine. And now it seems I can't have what's rightly mine. I hate to fight. I hate fighting more than anything in the world. It literally makes me sick. But it seems I didn't fight hard enough. I was too nice... too giving... too forgiving... And now I am being punished because of it.

I can't. I can't do this anymore. I can't stand for this anymore. I mustn't let people treat me like this. I must stand up for what's mine. I must continue to be strong and brave. I can't let others put me down. And so I won't. I will put a stop to this. I will ask for what's rightly mine. I will put up the good fight. I will stand back up on my own two feet. My attorney is working with me again. As much as I hate the thought I must do this...

For this I thank a dear friend who has helped me to see that it's OK to ask for help, who has helped me to see that I have been wronged and cheated, who has told me to stand up for what I deserve and need and that it is not too late... who has shown me that I do not deserve to be treated this way... who has tried tirelessly to snap me out of my funk... who has been there for me ... who has shown me the true meaning of friendship.

I hope you all have someone you can confide in or count on... I hope you never let someone walk all over you... that you can stand tall, stay strong and remain true.




  1. I am not sure how you were wronged but if you feel you have been you deserve to change it. It sounds like someone was used to you just going along, taking only what was given and accepting it even if it wasn't enough. They knew what was right for you even if you didn't "know" it. Now they know even more what you need, deserve or are entitled to even if it means you and your kids have to do without. And I don't just mean things.
    You are now your own person, own decision maker and if you say you need help, they either give it willingly or you make them. If that means a lawyer or court, so be it. The sooner you make them understand this is life now the better. Punishing you or your kids is just immature and hurtful.
    I don't mean to knock anybody in your life who is or was important but come on how could you ever not want to do everything that you possibly can for your family?
    I hope whatever is wrong is righted soon. Everybody deserves to be happy, healthy and loved.

  2. As a single mom that has just gone through a horrible childsupport/custody legal fight, I sympathize with you. It is draining, and no one understands how you feel unless they have gone through it themselves. Take care of yourself, perhaps go talk to a professional. Do what is best for your children. Some people are parents of convenience. Some use their children to hurt the other parent. Remember, you cannot change another person into being the parent or person you want them to be. All you can do is take care of yourself and your children. I totally understand how awful it is to have a lawyer fight your battle in court. And even when the battle is done, some don't comply with the judgement. It's a never ending battle but hang in there.

  3. The person putting you down is not objective, he has a disgruntled personal agenda therefore everything he says about you personally is false and w/o merit. Disregard all of it. He is probably just doing it because he has been hurt but that is in NO WAY an excuse.....especially when the issue at hand is about doing what is best for the children. Keep your chin up. And remember the old saying (when you are questioning information): Consider The Source. And p.s.: YOU ARE AN AMAZING INDIVIDUAL!!!!!! xo

  4. Amy, Mary Beth and Anonymous - thank you all so very much! xoxo

  5. If you ask someone for help and they wont give means nothing more than they are unwilling. They aren't forcing you to feel any particular way about it.

    Go to the people you know will help you without judgement.

  6. I am sorry you are having a bad day and I am sorry your husband can't seem to get priorities straight. If it is any consolation, sometimes moms in different circumstances, even with fathers in the house, have a less than eventful birthday.
    I hope your daughter comes home with something sweet for you today, she's old enough to manage that even without her father's guidance.
    Hang in there, you've got your own home and healthy kids...... life is good!

  7. Buttons. We all have them, and sometimes there are people who are really, really good at pushing them. It seems to me that one person knows yours. For some people, the only way to be big is to make others feel small ... to hurt them, to belittle them. When you have many people telling you it's okay to do one thing, and one person -- with an agenda of his own -- telling you it's not, it's time to step back and look, think -- but not necessarily feel. Is he better off if you don't ask? Would you be better off if you did? Buttons are being pushed in order to manipulate and control. You are stronger than that, but you need to convince yourself. Start with telling yourself this is FOR YOUR KIDS, and wouldn't you do just about anything in the world for them? So go for it ... you will realize along the way how much stronger you are becoming. You can do this. Really.

  8. God with you,or the Christ is among us.Spirit of Lord,in Bible through Numbers 6:24-26,those whose minds and hearts absorbed and accepted the word of God,says this:24“May the LORD bless you and keep you.25 May the LORD smile down on you and show you his kindness.26 May the LORD answer your prayers and give you peace.“Healthy,alive and well be all of you.Glory to Lord and Christ!Jesus loves you,God bless you!


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