You are beautiful! (Pass it on!)

pass it on! xoxo

People come and go. People enter your life for a reason. I am a firm believer of this. Some come and stay a while and some stop by for a quick visit, some just run through for a brief moment. But people come to us for a reason. Maybe they're there to teach us something - about them, about us, about the world around us. I'm a people person and always have been. People fascinate me both from an anthropological point of view and from a personal point of view. We all see things differently, act differently and react differently. It's human nature. It's what makes the world go round. And as my mother used to tell me repeatedly as a child, the world would be a boring place if we were all alike.

There are people that I meet and we bond instantly. There are those who share common interests and those who don't. I love to learn new things. About myself, about the world around me and others. I love nothing more than a meaningful conversation. While I'm not really one for controversy, I love to be challenged in a debate. I'm not the type of person who sees just black and white. I can see the shades of grey in between and I can see color all around. Teach me. Challenge me. I love it. I'm open to new ideas and experiences. And perhaps we're discussing a topic and we don't see eye to eye, that's fine. I love it! I want to see things from your point of view, I may not agree, but I want to see what makes you tick and what rocks your world.

Such a person entered my life recently. Such a person entered my world with the force of a whirling dervish. This person was full of life and passion. This person was smart and intelligent and brought much to the table and my world. This person challenged me. This person debated me. This person broadened my world on an intellectual and personal level. This person forced me to open my eyes and see things I hadn't seen in a long time. This person forced me to see the good in myself.  This person pointed out qualities in me I hadn't even paid attention to before. This person built me up and put me up on a pedestal. And I admit it, it felt good. No, it felt great. It felt wonderful. It's funny that how we feel often is based upon how we react to how others perceive us, or seem to perceive us. I suppose it's simply human nature. Someone tells you that you look beautiful or that you have a lovely smile and you believe them and you feel exactly how they make you feel. You walk a little taller. Stand a little straighter. This happened to me. And then suddenly, as quickly as this person had entered my life with such compliments and praise, this person left... and left me falling long and far, so very far, from the top of that pedestal. I felt lousy. Horrible. Awful. I had been on a 48 hour high where I had never felt so smart, beautiful, funny, sassy, different. And then, suddenly and out of the blue, this person said a few words, that in retrospect had less to do with me than the person telling them to me, that left me feeling lower than low. I felt small. I felt used. Rejected. Dumb. Ugly.


I moped around for a couple of days. I listened to sad songs. I did a lot of thinking. I thought about our conversations and our time together and it made no sense to me. But it didn't have to. It was simply something that happened. It was a mere speck on my timeline. And yet, it was an important one. I had no regrets. There's not much I regret, actually. As with everything else it was a learning experience. I did learn a lot about myself those couple of days. I liked what I saw and I liked what I learned.  What I was not happy with was how I had been made to feel so wonderful and then so awful.

When I'm with people who make me feel special, beautiful, and smart I truly feel that way about myself. I see the difference when I look in the mirror. So after catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror when I was feeling down in the dumps, I saw my hair as mousey, and my complexion as grey and not pink. And I wondered how could I possibly look so different? Nothing had changed about me. Nothing at all. I brushed my hair. I stood tall. I looked into my eyes. I hadn't changed. I was still me.  I was still pretty, witty, funny and smart and how dare someone dictate how I feel about myself.

Why do we do that? Why do we base how we feel based on other people's perceptions. How do we let our self esteem falter like that? I won't make that mistake again. I am smart and silly and snarky and beautiful and passionate and inquisitive and nothing and nobody will ever change that. I fell. I dusted myself off and I got right back up!

adjust your sails!
via Pinterest

I hope you all can learn something from my little lesson.




  1. It is sad when you believe you have a special new friend only to discover it was a fleeting moment in time. What I have learned is those who stick by you in hard & sad times are the true friends. Those are the ones who will be by your side and give you strength when you need it the most. And you would do the same for them in a heartbeat. Learn from experiences with the fleeting ones and always keep your heart open because you never know when you will find your next true friend.

  2. It's interesting you do not let us know whether "this person" is a man or a woman. I suspect it makes no difference. I had a friend for decades -- it's a long story, but this is the gist -- who suddenly for reasons I could never understand, turned on me and set out to morally destroy me. She told mutual friends and work associates that I had no talent and couldn't write (among other things), she then posted on her blog (which was my idea, her blog that is), naming me as "T" as a person who pretended to be her friend because she was paying me. In the beginning of our relationship, she worked for me. Later, after I moved to France she hired me to work with her on projects in New York.

    I reeled from her cruelty for years and still from time to time have dreams about her which means she must be lurking in my subconscious. I don't understand gratuitous cruelty meant to injure. If a relationship is over, well that's find. It's over. But as you say it happened for a reason. What possible reason justifies defiling a memory?

    On a more pleasant note: If you look at your beautiful snow dappled door hinge, it looks like the Eiffel Tower lying on its side.

    Yes, you are beautiful.

  3. The wonderful part of your whole experience is to know that you truly are INCREDIBLE. The person who said the negative words owns those words. It is their own insecurities talking.
    You are wonderful to stand tall through it all. Remember the good stuff. You picked yourself back up, your brushed yourself off, and you moved onwards and upwards.
    Love that !! Hang in there. You have remarkable things coming your way. Good souls always do.
    Much love to you
    Lynne xx

  4. Too often we allow other's opinion to attack our self esteem. Funny thing is it was not your character with a fault or crack but theirs. Sadly we are hurt and not thinking .... What type of person could do such a thing? It is tempting to build walls so no one can hurt us.....but you would miss the thrill of life. Betty XOXO

  5. Not surprisingly, Jessica, I don't know how to contact you. You can either explain to me because of my tech deficiencies or e-mail me if you would be so kind at

    Merci, merci

  6. Tish - sending you an email... Betty, absolutely. Of course it took me a while to figure this out. Don't know if I've filled you in or not...

  7. Thanks for sharing! You ARE beautiful... Jen

  8. Oh no, Jess! I am so sorry this has happened to you. I think that kind of situation happens to most of us though, at one time or another. Just remember, what does not kill us can only make us stronger! You will get through this too :)

  9. Jennifer and Uncoolmom thanks! I have no regrets at all... it was a great, albeit tres short period of time. I would not trade it for the world! Everything makes us stronger and wiser... each experience sets us on our way to the next... I can hardly wait to see what's in store for me! oxox


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